10-17-2017 Commission Minutes


There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the Police Department.

Prior to the meeting, Adin M. Sobel was sworn in by Chief Bilodeau as our newly hired full-time patrolman. Officer Sobel will be attending the 175th Police Academy this January 2018.

PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Ken Latchaw, Captain Michael Sullivan, Chief Michael Bilodeau and Admin Assistant Diana St. Laurent.



Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.



On a MOTION by Commissioner Latchaw and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the September 5, 2017 meeting as written.

There were no other minutes.



  1. Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that candidate Cooper has decided not to take the position with the department.
  2. Other Business –
  3. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
  4. The Commissioners reviewed the 2017 budget printout.



Commissioner Latchaw asked the Chief if he would include the traffic survey graph in the next Newington e-newsletter. The Chief said that he would submit it again.



  1. 2018 Budget Review – The Commissioners were given a copy of the Draft 2018 budget for their review.
  2. The Chief said he added a $10,000 line item for Accreditation. He also told the  Commissioners that he is looking into the possibility of a grant being available to cover the initial costs of the process.
  3. The Chief said he added a line item for Education Initiative. This was met with approval by the Commissioners and the Chief said he would look into it further.
  4. The Chief told the Commissioners that the department tazers are out of date and we are unable to get parts to repair the ones we have. The Chief said he is looking into a lease program that will provide all the tazers, equipment, replacement, etc., on a 5-year lease. Commissioner Prefontaine suggested the Chief do a warrant article for the money and the Chief said he would check with the Town Financial Officer.
  5. The Chief told the Commissioners that the department rifles need to be replaced and he is requesting that the town purchase 14 rifles. That would provide each officer a rifle that can be sighted in specifically for him. The Chief said he will do a warrant article for the purchase.
  6. The Chief said he will do a warrant article to add $20,000-$30,000 to the Communications Capital Reserve Fund. The Chief said that 3 cruiser radios need to be replaced and the State is discussing the possibility of obtaining funding from each police department to help fund the new E-ticket program.
  7. The Chief said he would like to see if the Town will vote to approve funding for 2 more full-time patrolman positions. The Commissioners agreed that they would like to add the two positions to insure higher patrol and safety coverage for the residents on the evening and midnight shifts. At this time, there is one-man coverage during those shifts which causes the officer on duty to rely on assistance from neighboring police departments should an emergency occur. The Commissioners recommended that the Chief do a warrant article for the 2 positions.

The Chief reminded the Commissioners that he will be meeting with the Board of Selectmen on Monday, October 30, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall to discuss the Draft 2018 budget. All 3 Commissioners said they will attend the meeting.

  1. Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter – not needed.



The next meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the Police Department.



On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Latchaw, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:00 p.m.

For Kenneth Latchaw, Secretary

by Diana St. Laurent