Police Commission Meeting Minutes
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Minutes - 8 February 2023
Minutes - 10 January 2023
Minutes - 07 December 2022
Minutes - 04 October 2022
Minutes - 06 September 2022
Minutes - 02 August 2022
Minutes - 07 June 2022
Minutes - 17May22
Minutes - 13 APR 2022
Minutes - 01 MAR 2022
Minutes - 01 FEB 2022
Minutes - 12 JAN 2022
Minutes -7 DEC 2021
Minutes -2 NOV 2021
Minutes -5 OCT 2021
Minutes -7 Sep 2021
Minutes -3 AUG 2021
Minutes- 15 Jun 2021
Agenda- 04 MAY 2021
Minutes - 06 APR 2021
Minutes - 02 MAR 2021
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Wednesday, February 4th, 2021 at the
Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:06 pm
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by, Commissioner Wright the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the January 5th, 2021 meeting as written.
- Staff Update – Chief informed the Commission that the department is doing well. There are a few topics that will be discussed during the Non-Public session to address position changes amongst the department.
- Other Police Commission Information
- Reviewed the Budget submitted to the BOS – The Chief requested that we ask the BOS to put $100 back into the Police Commission line item as they removed the full $6,000.00 that was in there. The Chief and the Commission were unaware of this during the Budget Committee meeting as the Department was not provided with a copy of the selectman’s recommendations before or during the meeting. The Chief informed the Commissioners that the BOS has not provided the agreed upon letter that would state that the Police Department would be allowed to seek alternate legal representation if needed. Please see Budget Committee Meeting minutes from Wednesday, December 9, 2020 that states that “T. Connors said that they can pick their own attorney.”
- Monthly Budget Review for January – 2021 line items totals have not been entered into IMC as we are waiting for the final numbers after town vote.
- The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
- Accreditation Update – The Chief updated the Commission on where the accreditation process stands. The team is still working through reformatting the policies for accuracy and compliance for CALEA. As more officers are getting involved in the process we are seeing an improvement on products provided.
- Recording of Meetings – The police commission discussed the potential option to not have PC meetings recorded. A MOTION was proposed by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt that at this time we will not have meetings recorded unless there is a compelling reason to do so. The Commission members will wait to see if there are any issues with this from the public. The public has historically not participated in meetings. The one meeting that was recently recorded by Town Hall Staff was never uploaded for viewing and there were no complaints to the department that it wasn’t made available nor has any resident asked the department to record the meetings.
- Safety lane Committee – Commissioner Wright discussed the town Safety Lane grant application and the Police Chief and Police Commission position on submitting Letters of Support which are encouraged for the grant application submission. Commissioner Blonigen was concerned about the Safety Lane becoming a political matter and that, at this point wanted to stay neutral. Commissioner Wright stated safety is a core mission of the PD therefore withdrawing support would make little sense. Chairman Blonigen agreed that the commission is in fact for safety. As a compromise on a MOTION by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt the Commissioners decided to postpone the decision of writing a letter for the grant package until the deadline which is after the town elections.
- Public Hearing with the Budget Committee February 3rd 6:30pm – All topics pertaining to this subject were discussed in other sections of these minutes to include the Safety Lane and the Legal Line.
VI (If Applicable)
Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter
At 5:00pm the Commissioners went into a Non-Public Session. At 5:45pm the Commissioners left the Non-Public Session and returned to a Public Meeting. Personnel Changes in the Agency were discussed. Chief Bilodeau informed the Commissioners that he would like to place Sergeant Brandon Smart as the Acting Captain on a 6-month Probationary status with monthly evaluations and on the stipulation that he is able to successfully get the agency accredited within the current contract with CALEA.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 2nd, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:46 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing, Executive Administrative Assistant
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 at the
Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by, Commissioner Wright the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the December 1st, 2020 meeting as written.
Staff Update – The staff are doing well and are being tested weekly for COVID. The Chief is working on the Equal Opportunity Plan that addresses the demographics and retention of the department. The Chief feels confident in a lengthy retention with the current officers. The department is young and the officers are given new opportunities upon request.
Other Police Commission Information
The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file. The Commissioners signed the Blanket Purchase Orders for the reoccurring invoices of 2021.
Budget Review for January 6th – A slide show of estimated final budget numbers that will be presented at the Jan 6th Budget meeting was reviewed by the Commissioners.
2021 Budget – The 2021 Proposed Budget was reviewed by the commissioners. No changes have been made to the proposed budget. The commission discussed the steps that would need to be taken, to vote in a revolving account for the Police Department, which would in turn help offset the Capital Outlay amounts for purchasing of cruisers.
Accreditation Update – The plan that was set in place is still being followed and on track. The Commissioners were able to view the detailed plan and discussed the phases of where the department is at now and what is to come.
Body Cameras- After more research the Chief obtained another quote for around the $94,000 for initial setup and an unknown yearly fee as they all vary depending on storage and camera options chosen. Due to the high costs the Chief feels that Body Cameras are not a necessity at this time. It was made mention that the reason Body Cameras were being discussed is because State Police have been mandated by the Governor to wear them. There is thought that mandates could be coming at a local level, but none have been made as of yet.
COVID Testing- All Police Department employees are being test for COVID weekly at the Fire Department through rapid testing.
COVID Vaccines- The Commissioners discussed the potential for the Vaccine to become mandatory. At this time both the Commission and the Chief agree that they will not mandate it unless they are told by the state that it is mandated.
Video Recording of Meetings- Meetings will now be recorded by a town designee.
2021 Health Insurance Provider- The Chief had a conference call with Health Trust to discuss the proposed option of Health Care Benefits for the town. The Police Association has stated that they do not want to see a change in their benefits. Chief informed the Commissioners that he has reached out to other departments who also have the same proposed plan as an option in their town and not very many choose to take it as their option.
NPD SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Review- Commissioner Wright discussed his interest in being able go over the results from the SWOT Reviews so that together, the commissioners, can address any subjects and stay involved in bettering the department.
Updates- The website is now updated with the upcoming agenda in advanced to the meetings and there will be discussion on putting a plan in place to make sure the Departments Facebook Page is more current and active when necessary.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 2nd, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:13 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing, Executive Administrative Assistant
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, November 10th, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by, Commissioner Wright Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the October 6th, 2020 meeting as written.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners approved Non-Public Minutes as written and voted to seal both the minutes indefinitely. The Non-Public Minutes from October 6th were sealed on October 7th.
- Staff Update – Staff are all staying healthy. Officer Burns is out on his own and doing really well. The department is ensuring that precautions are taken with cold and flu season upon us. The department is going to continue disinfecting with the fogger on a weekly basis to help lower any potential spread.
Chief mentioned that he would like to review his contract with the commission as it has been four years since written.
2. Other Police Commission Information
1. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
2. Budget Review was conducted. The Chief discussed the need for new portable radios. The current radios are lacking realistic battery life and the batteries are not replaceable. New radios are approximately $2200 each and the plan is to replace them slowly over the next couple of years.
Chief also talked to the Commissioners about replacing the in house dispatch radio platform. He has looked into a few options and will present the findings in the future.
The final COLA for 2021 has not been announced by the town. Our budget will remain as is until the number is provided to update salaries and benefits accordingly.
- Town Personnel Policy – No new updates on the current proposed policy.
The Sick pay buy out was discussed. The Chief and Captain Sullivan explained how the buyout works. The Commissioners would like to talk more about this at a future meeting and discuss options moving forward that don’t discourage employees from taking leave. The Chief will talk to other towns and see what their policies are.
- Accreditation Update – The Remote assessment is currently being conducted. The Commissioners were updated on the corrections and suggested improvements that are being worked on with a plan to be completed the corrections on Friday. Captain Sullivan informed the Commissioners that we are still waiting on CALEA’s guidance as to what manual we should be using for the initial assessment. The Chief mentioned how the officers have been doing great work to allow for ease in proof selection.
- Health Insurance Increase – Commissioner Wright asked that we calculate a budget with a projected increase in insurance of 6.4%. After doing the calculations it appears that the projected amount will still be under the 2020 budgeted amount due to personnel changes.
- Body Cameras- The Commissioners would like to talk more about Body Cameras next meeting. Chief made them aware of the potential for mandates and he is looking into quotes to bring to the next meeting to be prepared if a mandate is put into effect.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 1st, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:49 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Chairman Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by, Commissioner Hoyt Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the September 1st, 2020 meeting as written.
- Staff Update – The Chief updated the Commissioners on the status of Officer Burns. He has completed his Field Officer Training and has started on his own. He will be supervised for a couple months before he will be put into shift rotation.
1. Other Police Commission Information
2. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
- Budget Review was conducted. The Budget for 2021 was discussed in detail for our upcoming meeting with the Board of Selectmen. Each line item was looked at and importance of each to the department was talked about.
- Town Personnel Policy – The Chief updated the commissioners on his conversation with the town administrator in regards to the code of ethics. His advice was that the volunteers, fire engineers, and commissioners need to meet to discuss this issue with the town.
- Live Scan Update – The live scan is up and running. Almost all officers have been trained and the system is being used. Next year we will integrate the live scan system with our records system.
- Evidence Lockers– The evidence locker installation was completed. The accreditation staff assist team toured the room and agreed with the department that the lockers were a great addition to the evidence room.
- Accreditation Update – The staff assist visit was conducted on October 1st, 2020. After a thorough inspection the team provided us feedback on what needs to be completed between now and our remote assessment. The department will be working diligently over the next month to comply with the recommendations provided.
- Uniform Allowance for Part time employees – The Chief and the commissioners discussed changes to how the allowance would be dispersed in the future.
NON PUBLIC SESSION RSA 91-A:3, II(a), (b), (c)
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners entered into non-public session at 5:05 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to come out of non-public session at 5:20 p.m.
The following motion was made during non-public session: On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the letter of resignation from Diana St. Laurent. No other decisions were made during this session.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 3rd, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:21 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, September 1ST, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing. Newington.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Chairman Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the August 4, 2020 meeting as written.
- Staff Update – The Chief updated the Commissioners on the status of Officer Burns. He graduated the Academy on August 21st , 2020 and is currently in field training at the station. He is learning quickly and foresee no issues to him being on his own soon.
- Other Police Commission Information
- The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
- Budget Review was conducted. The Budget was reviewed and the date of the budget meeting with the Board of Selectmen was provided to the commissioners. The Chief informed the commissioners that he would like to get a new door on the detached garage building that does not have glass and can be more secure. Talk of a new line item for Legal be added to next year’s budget. The Chief, Captain and Admin Assistant will be meeting soon to prepare the 2021 budget for submission to the Board of Selectmen.
- Town Personnel Policy – The response from the Board of Selectmen to the letter Chairmen Blonigen wrote was discussed. A discussion took place and all present agreed that the statement the Chief made during the July 7th, 2020 meeting with the Board of Selectmen was “the Town should consider a town code of ethics separate from the personnel manual”. All commissioners agreed that Chairmen Blonigen write a response to clarify their stance on the paragraph that discusses the code of ethics for elected officials.
- Live Scan Update – The Idemia representative came in on September 1st,2020 to set up the Live Scan. The state has not completed their end of the firewall for the installation to be complete. We are in contact with the representative and he is talking with the state to work through the issues.
- Accreditation Update – The mock accreditation on August 27th, 2020 was cancelled because the files are being reviewed remotely and great feedback is being provided. The virtual accreditation is still scheduled for December 2020.
- Evidence Lockers– The evidence lockers installation was cancelled by the Board of selectmen and more contractor bids were sought out. The town negotiated with the original contactor and scheduled an install on November 2nd, 2020 which does not meet the agreed upon deadline put in place by the Chief. The request of a sooner installation date is unknown.
- Bike Lane and The Safety Aspect– Commissioner Wright brought up the discussion of the Bike Path Project. The Chief mentioned that he provided the accident data to the committee and has provided his opinion on the safety concerns for and against the project. The Chief stated he would make sure that there will be more patrolling of the village to make sure speed is controlled.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 6th, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:58 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing. Newington Fire Department Chief Hoyt and Board of Fire engineer’s member Ann Hebert were present for a portion of the meeting.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Chairman Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the July 14, 2020 meeting as written.
Staff Update – The Chief updated the Commissioners on the status of Officer Burns. He is currently attending the Police Academy, in person, in Concord, NH and is a couple weeks away from completion and is doing well. It was noted to the Commissioners that he is currently paying for his food out of pocket and is saving all the receipts for submittal to the Town. The Commissioners were interested in how our Bomb K-9 Augie was doing. The Chief informed the board of his various trainings, events and tasks he has been requested to attend and work at to include but not limited to NASCAR, Pease International Airport, Regal Cinemas, Pease Air National Guard Base and Air Force 1.
Other Police Commission Information
The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
Budget Review was conducted. The Chief informed the Commissioners of the various accounts that have been effected by recent purchases to include the necessary update of our Server and Firewall as well as the required maintenance that has been done and is being done on a few of the cruisers.
Town Personnel Policy – The Policy was reviewed. On MOTION by Chairmen Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, in the form of a letter, a request will be made to the Board of Selectman to make a change to the proposed policy. Board of Fire Engineer’s Member Ann Hebert states that she would also propose the same to their board at their meeting Wednesday August 5th, 2020.
Live Scan Update – The firewall for the VPN, that will make the Live Scan Machine fully functional, needs replacement. We are waiting to hear from Daystar on when this will be completed.
Accreditation Update – The Accreditation Manager and Professional Standards Manager from the Portsmouth Police Department met with Captain Sullivan this month to review processes and policies that would be looked at by CALEA. The department was provided great feedback and knowledge. The mock accreditation will be conducted August 27, 2020 and the Virtual Accreditation Evaluation will be conducted in December 2020.
Evidence Lockers– A contractor looked at the evidence lockers and the project was discussed. They believe this project will be completed in a couple of weeks. The installation of these lockers will ensure the accreditation process does not have any hold ups for certification.
Body Cameras- the Chief has called a few companies and is talking with other agencies to get quotes on body cameras should the need arise. Body cameras would be costly if implementation becomes a necessity.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 1st, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:13 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the Non-Public minutes from the April 1, 2020 meeting as written. Minutes are sealed and awaiting the initials of the commissioners before properly filed.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Chairman Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the June, 2020 meeting as written.
A. Staff Update – The Chief updated the Commissioners on the transition of the Administrative Assistant position and the initiatives that have been proposed and brought to action, to include paperless time slips and Alarm Permit Invoicing.
B. Political Rally- The Chief informed the Commissioners the steps that were taken in preparation for the Trump Rally, subsequently cancelled due to weather, and the Black Live Matter Protests that cancelled in response to the potentially postponed Rally.
- Other Police Commission Information
- The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
- Budget Review was conducted. The Chief informed the Commissioner of the purchase of face masks for the department. If the rally and the protests get rescheduled the department will need the use of overtime funds to cover the safety of the town during the events.
- Town Personnel Policy – Discrepancies with the new approved Town Personnel Policy were discussed in preparation for the meeting with the Board of Selectmen which was held after the Board of Police Commissioners Meeting at 5:00pm.
A. Live Scan Memorandum – The Chief wrote a memorandum to the Board of Selectmen upon their request stating the costs and steps associated with the implementation of the AFIS Live Scan equipment. The letter was sent to the Board of Selectmen on July 13, 2020. We are currently waiting on the technical recommendations from our IT partners to have definitive costs that will be associated.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 4th, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Chairman Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:55 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Keri Wareing.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the April 1, 2020 meeting as written.
The Commissioners are still reviewing the Non-Public Minutes from April 1, 2020 and will vote to seal them at the next meeting.
- Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that the staff is doing well at this time and getting back into a more “normal” (pre-COVID) routine while still adhering to protocols of COVID. Cadet Burns is doing very well in the Virtual Academy here at the Department and scheduled to be back to the academy in Concord in a few weeks.
- Other Police Commission Information
- The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
A. Budget Cuts – The Town has asked each department to make a 15% cut to their 2020 Budget that the Town had passed which would be an approximate $244,000 to cut. The number would cause major Safety issues amongst the department and the Town. The Chief and commissioners reviewed the budget to see if they could identify where these cuts could be made from. Commissioner William Wright suggested that we come up with a document that shows what we can cut that won’t have a major impact on the department in green and an amber category that shows what will affect the department and red category that will hurt the department and safety of the town if cut.
B. The Chief asked the commissioners to approve a second officer and cruiser on the midnight shift from to 2200 to 0300 from Wednesday June 3rd, 2020 until Monday June 8th, 2020 to assist in the event there may be a situation in reaction to the current marches and protests. On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted to unanimously approve the addition of a second officer to the midnight shift from 2200 to 0300 from June 03 – June 08 – 2020 using the overtime budget.
C. Spending Freeze – All big purchases that were made were prior to the spending freeze. The new Cruiser will more than likely not be in until the fall of 2020 or later. The Live Scan machine needs approximately $3,000 for set up and is felt to be considered a life and safety purchase. The pass through evidence locker installation can be put on hold. All PPE purchases have been sent to the town for reimbursement from the CARES Act. The department has been holding off on the purchase of Active Shooter kits that were budgeted for purchase this year for approximately $3500.00 to allow for each officer to have the proper gear in event the department must respond to situations that call for said protection.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously that the department purchases the active shooter kits.
D. Town Personnel Policy- There are concerns with the new Hiring Policy. The Commissioners had written a letter to the town last year stating their concerns with hiring vacant positions. Commissioner Blonigen will be writing a letter requesting a meeting between the Board of Selectman and the Police Commissioners to discuss the personnel Policy.
The Commissioners decided that due to the current situation of the riots, The Town Personnel Policy and COVID that there should be a meeting for July, when in previous, there is normally no July meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for July 14th, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:07 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Keri Wareing
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Diana St.Laurent.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the March 3, 2020 meeting as written.
The Commissioners reviewed the Non-Public Minutes from March 3, 2020 and March 5, 2020. On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners approved both Non-Public Minutes as written and voted to seal both the March 3, 2020 minutes and the March 5, 2020 minutes indefinitely.
A. Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that the staff is doing well at this time. The Chief said that one of our officers was put on administrative leave with pay after March 3 due to his running a slight fever. The officer was told not to come back to work until after he was cleared by his physician. At no time was he found to be Covid-19 positive. The Chief said it cost the department approximately $1,935 to cover the officer’s shifts.
B. Captain Sullivan’s pay – On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to move Captain Sullivan to Step 4 on the salary scale.
The Chief said he has been notified by the Board of Selectmen that there is a spending freeze for the time being.
- Other Police Commission Information
a. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
b. The Commissioners reviewed the 2020 budget print out. The Chief told the
Commissioners that revenue from outside details will be down considerably this coming year due to the cancellation of the Regal Details.
- The Commissioners signed the full-time permanent appointment forms for Officer Jared Arsenault and Officer Ethan Jones.
- The Commissioners signed the part-time appointment forms for Officer Douglas J. Lorenz, Officer Timothy McClare, Officer Scott Blaisdell and Officer Brian S. Newcomer.
- The Chief told the Commissioners he received a $5,000 donation for the bomb dog.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners entered into non-public session at 4:10 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to come out of non-public session at 4:50 p.m.
The following motion was made during non-public session: On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to make a probationary “Offer of Employment” to Keri E. Wareing, starting at Step 4 of the Administrative Assistant pay scale, contingent upon the completion of a background investigation.
- Current and future operational impacts on Department related to Covid-19 Pandemic – Commissioner Wright asked the Chief if he needs to reduce staff due to the Covid-19 emergency. The Chief said that he expects the activity to increase and already we have had 2 break-ins at the storage sheds on Woodbury Avenue, an employee death at Tyco and an attempted suicide. The Chief said he is utilizing the part-time officers to add additional coverage on the early morning shifts from 0100 hours to 0600 hours. The Chief said that with the Mall being closed, he expects there to be attempts to break into the mall itself. The Chief said he has spoken with Chief Hoyt and asked the fire department to let us know if they happen to see anything going on that needs police attention. Commissioner Wright expressed his concern for the officers’ safety. The Chief said he is briefed daily on the protocol during this emergency, the officers have been provided with masks and alcohol wipes, etc. and told to wipe down all the equipment and cruisers on a regular basis. The Chief said he receives updates daily on confirmed Covid-19 cases in the State.
- The Chief told the Commissioners that Convenient MD was seeking permission to set up a Covid-19 testing center at the parking lot of the Fox Run Mall. After the Chief spoke with the General Manager of the Mall, it was suggested that Convenient MD check into the PDA as a possible site.
- The Chief told the Commissioners that the cleaning crew for the department has been suspended until after the Covid-19 emergency.
- Election of Officers – On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to appoint the following officers:
Chairman – Brenda Blonigen
Vice Chairman – William Wright
Secretary — F. Jackson Hoyt
The next meeting is scheduled for May 5, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:25 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
PRESENT: Chairman Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner William Wright, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Adm. Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:12 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to approve the minutes from the February 4, 2020 meeting as written.
A. Staff Update – The Chief that things are running smoothly; Officer Burns is field training with Wood and O’Reilly and will be attending NHPS&TC in May.
B. Other Police Commission Business –
The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
Budget Review – None at this time
Applications for open position – The Chief said that he has received 15 applications for the administrative assistant position and he will be reviewing them tomorrow, along with Captain Sullivan and Diana St. Laurent. Chairman Blonigen asked the Chief if any of the applicants were experienced. The Chief said he received 4 really good experienced applications. Cpt. Sullivan said we have experienced applications from No. Hampton, York Me, Epping, and Raymond. The Chief said there are also 3 applications from the base. The Chief said once we review the applications they will be sent to the oral board members for their review. Commissioner Wright asked what the hiring date is and the Chief said May 4, but we have an issue with the fact that NHRS won’t allow Diana to work part-time for 30 days after she retires. So that leaves the month of June with no one to work with the new person. The Commissioners recommended that the Chief look into the salary numbers to keep Diana full-time for the month of May, along with starting the new person on May 4, 2020.
COVID-19 – The Chief told the Commissioners that he attended a two-hour meeting at the PDA with Health & Human Services, the medical field from Portsmouth, the Portsmouth Police and Fire, the Coast Guard and Homeland Security. The Chief said the meeting was to cover how to deal with cargo ships that come into port. The cargo ships are required to notify the U.S. Coast Guard 4 days ahead of their arrival to port. This reporting is to include information about any sick crew members and the Coast Guard then contacts CDC. The Chief said our officers have been advised to be diligent in washing hands, staying a distance away from the public, sanitizing the cruisers regularly and especially after custodial arrests. The Chief said that the department is well stocked with masks and other equipment for use if need be. The officers were told not to report to work if they are feeling ill.
The Chief said that he put information about Covid-19 from Health & Human Services in the e-newsletter that goes to town residents and information is being put out on the department website as well.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen, and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners went into non-public session to discuss a personnel matter at 4:46 p.m.
On a Motion by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to come out of non-public session at 4:55 p.m.
There were no decisions or motions made during non-public session.
On a Motion by Chairman Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to seal the Non-Public minutes of March 3, 2020 indefinitely.
The next meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners is scheduled for April 1, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to adjourn at 5:05 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Brenda Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to accept the minutes from the January 6, 2020 meeting as written.
The Non-Public Minutes were approved and voted to seal indefinitely at the January 6, 2020 meeting.
Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that the newest probationary officer, Nick Burns, is doing very well.
The Chief said that we have a canine and his name is Augie. The Chief said that Two-Way Communications outfitted the canine cruiser for free. Augie was taken for his check up at the Vet’s and they did not charge the police department the $200 fee. The Chief said he is waiting for a town vote to put the funds into a line item and, in the meantime, the funds to pay for Augie were taken out of the Newington Police Association. Commissioner Wright asked where Augie will be going for training and Capt. Sullivan said he goes to Connecticut. The Chief said that Officer Wood will be going down to Connecticut in the middle of March for six weeks of training with Augie. The Chief said he will be doing a press release once Augie returns from training.
The Chief said that a posting for the Administrative Assistant’s vacancy has been posted in the newspaper for 30 days and it is also posted on our website page. The Chief said that he is not in favor of changing the position to part-time based on the responsibilities of the position. Commissioner Wright said that the tax assessment for the energy plant went way down and the Town is challenging the assessment, but if the Town loses, there will be a big hit on the budget this year and again next year. Commissioner Wright said the town is feeling the squeeze on the tax revenue and one of the big issues talked about this year is the cost of health benefits. Commissioner Wright said there was a 7% increase in the health benefits. Commissioner Wright said that the public discussion of the budget is tomorrow night and there will probably a lot of discussion about benefits.
Other Commission Business –
1. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file. 2. Budget Review – None at this time
None at this time.
There was a brief discussion about overdue bills and checks being credited to the wrong accounts because the Town does not send separate checks to vendors who also have accounts with the police department and the fire department. On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted to have all vendor accounts, for the police department, issued a separate check, with the invoice, to eliminate late fees and confusion.
Commissioner Wright asked the Chief when is the “Tip A Cop Night” he read in the E-newsletter. The Chief said the actual date has not been set yet. The officers will be doing the fund raiser for Special Olympics this year.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to go into non-public session to discuss a personnel matter at 4:30 pm.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to come out of non-public session at 4:43 p.m.
There were no decisions or motions made during non-public session.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to seal indefinitely the February 4, 2020 Non-Public minutes.
The next meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners is scheduled for March 3, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:45 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary, by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan, and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m.
A. On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to accept the minutes from the November 5, 2019 meeting as written.
B. Other Minutes – On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to seal indefinitely the Non-Public Minutes from the November 5, 2019 meeting.
A. Staff Update – The Chief said there is nothing to report on the staff at this time.
B. Other Commission Business –
1. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the 2019 purchase order file.
2. The Commissioners signed the 2020 Blanket Purchase Orders.
3. 2019 Budget Review – There was discussion about moving some money around to cover some line items that were over expended, such as uniforms, professional training, and miscellaneous.
A. Review 2020 Draft Budget – Commissioner Wright asked what happens to remaining funds from the 2019 budget. The Chief said the funds are deposited into the town’s General Fund. The Chief said he would have an estimate of remaining funds for the meeting in December. There was discussion about encumbering funds from 2019 to 2020. The Chief also brought up the issue of the funds for the 2019 cruiser which has not been received from Ford yet and he said he will speak to the Selectmen to make sure the funds are there if the cruiser isn’t received until 2020. Commissioner Wright said he looked over the 2020 draft proposal and made some editorial and substantive changes. Commissioner Wright said his comments are more in the way it is presented to the budget committee. He said on page 1 of the operating budget, the Chief is proposing a 2.76% increase, but out of the $47,000 increase, $40,000 of it is for health and dental costs which results in only a $7,000 cost increase.
Commissioner Wright said that the health/dental costs will be a town-wide department issue. Commissioner Wright pointed out that the 2019 COLA is 1.6% and the NPD 2020 budget increase (net Health and Dental Insurance costs) is way under the 1.6% increase. Page 2 includes the revenues which came in and the money that’s being requested for the new cruiser and the Live Scan system resulting in a 5.4% increase over the previous year, but if you strip out the health and dental costs it’s really only a 2.85% budget increase. Commissioner Wright said it is important to point those issues out so people don’t get excited because the percentage increase on individual line items is high. On the third page which is the proposed operating budget overview Wright made several editorial comments. He shared a proposed Budget Cover Sheet that summarizes what happened last year, what is going on this year, and highlighted significant differences. The summary also draws attention to the NPD’s pay disparity with other seacoast departments. The Chief told the Commissioners that the pay scale was recalculated to Reflect the difference in rounding figures up or down which made a $17.00 increase in the salaries overall.
The Chief said that on the wage study he took the higher salary number and did a percentage difference. Commissioner Wright said he took the average of the other five towns for each position and then did a comparison which produced more useful data. Commissioner Wright said that five out of our six positions are 3 to 13% below what other seacoast area towns are paying. With a 1.6% COLA this year and turning in a lot of money, Commissioner Wright suggested that the Chief go to the Selectmen and the Budget Committee and suggest taking steps starting in 2020 to reduce the gap in pay. Commissioner Wright noted that hiring costs can be reduced with better wages on the NPD. The savings in hiring costs will help finance pay increases.
Commissioner Wright also suggested that the Chief have a sheet on the number of cruisers maintained by the department, the year of each, the mileage, why are we buying a new one, why can’t we keep one longer, etc.
There was discussion about the changes coming in 2020-2021 which includes the building of a hotel on Woodbury Avenue, the NE Credit Union headquarters, and a Subaru dealership. The Chief said with all the changes coming to Newington he may be looking for another officer in 2021.
Commissioner Wright asked the Chief if he is doing a presentation to the Budget Committee on the canine proposal. The Chief said that Officer Wood will be doing a presentation to the Budget Committee on the Bomb Dog proposal. The Chief said he is still talking with the Selectmen about setting up a revolving account for the canine donations. The Chief said that the town has to vote to have the revolving account set up. The Chief said there is $15,000 in donations for the canine waiting to be put in a designated account.
B. Traffic Survey – The Chief told the Commissioners that he put survey equipment on Nimble Hill Road across from the school, on Fox Point across from house #133 and on Newington Road near house #425 near the basketball court. The Chief said he set the equipment at 6 mph over the speed limit on each road. The Chief said he wanted to see what the speed limits are between certain times of the day, the number of vehicles coming through town and what time of day is the best for enforcement. The information was shared with Sgt. Smart at a staff meeting and appropriate patrols were established from the data.
C. Monthly Stats – The Chief he heard the concern from the Commissioners regarding traffic summonses. The Chief said the activity has increased from 127 to 183 traffic stops. The Chief said the officers also did 29 offense reports; 6 arrests; 9 accidents and 15 summonses. Last year at this time we had 320 offense reports and this year right now we have 3223 and we still have a month to go.
No new business.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to go into Non-Public Session at 4:50 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to come out of Non-Public Session at 5:04 p.m. There were no decisions/motions made during the non-public meeting.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to seal indefinitely the non-public minutes from December 3, 2019.
The next meeting of the Police Commissioners is scheduled for January 6, 2020 at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:05 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commission on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Chairman Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, CaptainMichael Sullivan, and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to accept the minutes from the October 9, 2019 meeting as written.
There were no other minutes.
A. Staff Update – The Chief presented the Commissioners with a full-time appointment form for James Meyers who completed his one-year probationary period satisfactorily. The Commissioners signed the full-time appointment form for Officer James Meyers.
B. Other Commission Business –
1. The Commissioners reviewed and initialed the purchase order file.
2. 2019 Budget Review – The Chief went over the different line items that will be over spent due to unforeseen circumstances. The Chief told the Commissioners that, as of right now, the NHPS&TC January 2020 Academy does not have any vacancies left. The Chief requested that the Commissioners consider hiring the 11th officer in January 2020. This would enable the police department to incur hiring expenses in the 2020 budget year and it would also leave less time for the officer to be on the payroll before being able to attend the academy.
Commissioner Wright asked the Chief what happens to the money from speeding tickets and the Chief said that the money goes to the State. There was discussion about the amount of summonses issued, warnings, motor vehicle stops, etc., for the month of October. The Chief said there were 16 summonses this month which is low, but he said the officers have been busy with FTO training. The Chief pointed out that the offense reports have increased. There were 30 offense reports for October, 6 accidents and 127 traffic stops. Commissioner Wright said that he is aware that the Chief is going to be doing a traffic survey in Town and the Chief said that there will be a traffic survey in the very near future which will last for one week.
The Chief said that the Professional Training line item has been over spent, partly because the NHPS&TC does not offer many training classes. The Captain said the officers are encouraged to look into training from other sources. The Chief said he has added money to the training budget for 2020.
A. Review 2020 Budget – The Chief said the only change to the 2020 budget draft was an increase to change IT support to DayStar. The Chief said the increase was $7,000. The Chief said we do not have the COLA or medical insurance increase from the Town Hall yet.
B. Commissioner Hoyt asked the Chief if the amount of income to the town for the use of the old cruiser on details was around $12,000. The Chief said that amount will increase before the end of the fiscal year.
C. The Chief said that he looked over Greenland Chief Laurent’s salary survey and our first step patrol officer’s salary is 7% less than surrounding agencies. The survey included towns such as Greenland, Stratham, Exeter and Rye. Commissioner Wright asked the Chief if the police department gives longevity bonuses and at what increments. The Chief said there is a longevity bonus of $1,000 at the completion of the 10th year of employment and then an added $100 per year until the maximum of $2,000 is reached. The Chief also pointed out that officers with degrees such as an Associates, Bachelors or Masters receive an education stipend of $750, $1,200 and $1,500 depending on the degree the officer received.
Part-time Hourly Rate – The Chief requested that the Commissioners consider raising the part-time rate to $25/hour. Captain Sullivan pointed out that all of our part-time officers are full-time certified. On a MOTION by Chairman Brenda Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to raise the part-time hourly rate to $25.00/hour, retroactive back to November 4, 2019.
No other New Business –
On a roll-call vote, Chairman Blonigen, Commissioner Hoyt and Commissioner Wright voted to go into Non-Public session at 4:25 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.
On a roll-call vote, Chairman Blonigen, Commissioner Hoyt and Commissioner Wright voted to come out of Non-Public Session at 5:15 p.m.
The following decision was made by the Commissioners: On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to extend a “Conditional Offer of Employment” to candidate Nicholas Burns, effective January 1, 2020.
The next meeting of the Police Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:20 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commission on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner William Wright, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent. Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt was unable to make the meeting.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
On a MOTION by Chairman Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to accept the minutes from the previous meeting, with the changes recommended by Commissioner Wright.
There were no other minutes.
Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that Officer Jones is in FTO training and doing good. The Chief said that new recruits are rotated between 4 Field Training Officers (FTO), which gives the recruit an opportunity to experience different methods of training.
Other Police Commission Business –
The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
2019 Budget Review – The Chief said that at this time we are on track with the expenditures. The Chief said there will be some over expenditures in recruitment and uniforms due to the hiring of a new officer to fill the vacancy. The Chief said that the psychological, physical and the polygraph come to approximately $1,000 and the ballistics vest will be about $1,500. The Chief said that we will have to transfer funds from salaries to help cover these expenses. The Chief said there is a form which will be sent to the Financial Director showing the transfer of funds and it was agreed that the financial director should be made aware of the transfer of funds. The Chief also said that there will most likely be over spending on the professional training line item. The Chief said there has been more training for officers, Supervisor Training for the new detective, the Chief is going to the IACP convention and the Captain is attending accreditation training. The Chief said he has added a little more money to that line item for 2020.
The Chief also pointed out that the department hosts training here at the PD, which allows us to send an officer, free of tuition, to the training held upstairs in the training room.
The Chief said he went to the budget committee meeting for the third quarter of 2019 and the committee had no issues. The Chief said that one board member brought up the issue of the Detail line item being over the budgeted amount and the Chief said he needs to explain it better each time he goes before the budget committee. The Chief said he used the term “wash” and he does not believe they like that terminology. Chairman Blonigen pointed out that the details are a money maker for the Town. The Chief pointed out that the extra cruiser we kept for details last year has not cost the department any repairs, etc. and has brought in approximately $12,000 in revenue for the Town.
Commissioner Wright asked the Chief how he plans to handle funds/donations that will be coming in for the Bomb Dog program being proposed. The Chief said that he has received a donation of $5,000 which was accompanied by a letter stating the funds were for the bomb dog program and the Chief responded with a letter of acknowledgement to the donor. The Chief said there is a town resident who wants to donate, but he is waiting to see where to put the money. The Chief said he would like to see the money going into the Police Association which is a 501(c)3, but there is still a discussion going on with the Town Administrator and the Financial Director on the best way to set up this line item. The Chief said that RSA 31-95(h) allows for municipalities/public safety to set up a revolving account with the approval of the legislative body. The Chief said at this time he is waiting to hear from the Selectmen and he will follow up on that.
Commissioner Wright asked the Chief what is the 501(c) 3 Police Association and how does it work. The Chief said the Association is entirely run by the officers and they raise money for the Association and can then purchase items for the police department, help needy families, sympathy needs, etc. The officers pay monthly dues to help with the functioning of the association. There was discussion about possibly running the Bomb Dog program through the association, but there are issues with liability that need to be looked into. The Association was going to accept full responsibility of the dog and they also agreed to take care of the dog if we didn’t get the necessary donations.
2020 Budget Review – Chairman Blonigen asked if the “draft” budget had changed at all. The Chief said he will have to change the line item for the new IT carrier. The line item that needs to change will be 1044. The department needs to change IT carries due to the new problems with hacking into local police departments, the NH Dept. of Safety, etc. The monthly monitoring fee is going to “double” and so the Chief said he has spoken with 2 other companies to get a quote. At this time, PCG no longer supports the virus protection we now have and we need to change IT carriers as soon as possible to get the system protected. The Chief told the Commissioners that of the 3 companies he is most comfortable with Day Star Computer which is a local business. The start-up fee will be $1,000 and then the monthly monitoring fee will be $1,000 per month. This includes all service calls throughout the year plus in-house training for personnel to help detect ransom ware. On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to have the police department change IT companies to Day Star Computer.
Review 2020 Salary – At this time, we have not received a COLA for 2020 so the salaries and benefits have not been calculated.
Other New Business – The Chief asked the Commissioners if they have any questions in regard to the physical fitness test for candidates. The Chief said that Great Bay Alliance is raising their fee from $50 to $60 for the test and considering providing a physical fitness test on that same day. The Chief said he is not really in favor of the proposal because handling the test ourselves enables our officers to get to know the candidates a little during the testing process. The Chief said he is sending 2 officers to the Great Bay Alliance testing this Saturday and they will hand out pamphlets with the PT requirements, an assessment waiver form and an application for the police department. The Chief said candidates can sign up for the PT test which will be scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2019. Commissioner Wright asked if certifications from other states are recognized here in New Hampshire and the Chief said yes. The Chief said that the competition from other larger agencies is tough.
Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter
Not needed.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m.
For Commissioner William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commission on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner William Wright, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan, Pastor Ed Cilley, and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the August 20, 2019 meeting with the following correction to Section III, A. Staff Update – The physical agility test is scheduled for applicants on the “28th of September, the assessment board will be on the 4th of October.”
There were no other minutes.
Chief Bilodeau introduced Pastor Cilley to the Commissioners. The Chief told the Commissioners that several police departments have a Chaplain for critical incidents and he would like the Commissioners to consider having Pastor Cilley join the department as the Newington Police Department Chaplain. Pastor Cilley gave the Commissioners a synopsis of his past experience as an EMT, a call firefighter, parking enforcement, evidence manager, and booking officer. Pastor Cilley said he considers being a Chaplain for police officers a calling on his life and enjoys the interaction with the officers. The Board discussed a range of issues related to establishing this capability, including liability exposure, potential compensation (none required), availability of Pastor Cilley’s time and safety. The group agreed that this new capability was value added with no down side risk. The Commissioners will track the Pastor’s utilization on the NPD periodically. On a MOTION by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept Pastor Cilley as the Newington Police Department Chaplain.
Staff Update – The Chief said that we have received 3 applications for the vacant full-time position. The applicant process ends on September 12th and the Chief said he has reached out to Great Bay testing. The Chief said he is hoping to find someone certified, but if not, we will have to send the candidate to the NHPS&TC in January 2020.
Other Police Commission Business –
A. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the 2019 purchase order file.
B. Budget Review – The Commissioners reviewed the 2019 budget print out. It was noted that the “Uniform Allowance” would be over expended and the line item for “Miscellaneous” is also over expended. Commissioner Wright asked if the detail line item was budgeted on last year’s amount. The Chief said he was asked by the Selectmen and the Budget Committee to do an average of the previous three years since we always go over the budgeted amount. The Chief pointed out that the officer’s pay is covered entirely by the billing to the vendors and the town receives $24 an hour for every hour the officer is working a detail and utilizing a cruiser which goes into the general fund. The Chief said the 2019 cruiser purchase is still on hold due to issues with Ford.
C. The Commissioners reviewed the 2020 DRAFT budget proposal. The Chief pointed out the following:
1. Longevity pay went down
2. Education Stipend went up to cover Officers Meyers and Jones for their B.A. Degrees.
3. Equipment purchases is down substantially
The Chief said he is looking into an evidence locker for approximately $4,500 which has to be installed in the cinder block wall. The only unknown expense there is the installation into the wall. The Chief said he has been talking with Building Inspector Kevin Kelley about this process.
The Chief said that given the atmosphere of the country today, the department needs to be equipped and trained to handle active shooter scenarios. The Chief said he has been working on a monthly basis with businesses, the school and other town properties where there could be an active shooter incident.
The Chief said he is looking into purchasing lock-out kits for the cruisers. The Chief said he believes it is good community relations to assist town residents with vehicle lock outs. The Chief said residents requesting assistance with a lock out will have to sign a waiver in the event damage should occur to their vehicle.
The Chief said he plans to do a more specific presentation for the Budget Committee on any increases or decreases in the 2020 budget proposal. Commissioner Wright said that last year’s budget printout for the Town required more detail.
The Chief said he is looking to purchase a live scan fingerprint machine (AFIS). The NPD’s current capability is outdated and there was a recent situation where a murder suspect was not detained due to the amount of time it took to process fingerprints. The cost is approximately $20,000. There was discussion about doing a capital reserve/capital outlay for the cost of the machine or simply putting it in the operating budget.
The Chief said he will be requesting to put $5,000 more into the Capital Reserve (Communications) line item.
The Chief said that half of the ballistic vests will expire in 2021 so he will need to budget to replace them. It was determined that previously the vests were budgeted in the police department’s operating budget.
The Chief said that the department is considering a “Bomb Dog” which will be supported and paid for totally by donations. There is currently no Bomb Dog in the seacoast area. The Chief said he has already received a check from a member of Newington’s business community for $5,000 towards the program. The Chief said the residents and businesses he has spoken with are very supportive. The Chief said he wants to run the program the same way Dover does their mounted patrol division – by donations entirely. The Chief said Officer Andrew Wood will be heading up the program and he is willing to do a presentation to the Budget Committee. The Chief explained that the Department policies will include an SOP that will address training, utilization and the retention of the dog and handler.
NON-PUBLIC SESSION RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter
Not needed.
It was decided to change the October 1st meeting to October 8, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. to accommodate the interview of the police candidates.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted to adjourn at 5:10 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commission on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Captain Michael Sullivan, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, the new Commissioner William Wright and Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent. Chief Bilodeau was on annual leave and unable to attend the meeting.
Chairman Blonigen called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
The Commissioners welcomed Mr. Wright and he was provided with the RSA covering the responsibilities of the police commission. Commissioner Wright provided his email address and phone number for the record. Chairman Blonigen told Commissioner Wright that the minutes of each meeting are forwarded via e-mail after completion.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted to accept the minutes from the June 4, 2019 meeting as written.
There were no other minutes.
Staff Update – Captain Sullivan told the Commissioners that the Chief accepted Officer Adin Sobel’s resignation, effective August 25, 2019. The Captain said that the advertising process has been posted and we are waiting on applications. The physical agility test is scheduled for applicants on the 28th of September, the assessment board will be on the 4th of October and the Chief will be asking the Commissioners to review the top 3 applicants for the final selection of a candidate. Captain Sullivan said the assessment board will consist of a ranking member of the police department, at least one town resident, one prominent employee from the business district and a non-commissioned officer from the Air National Guard at Pease. Chairman Blonigen asked if there will be an exit interview with Officer Sobel. Captain Sullivan said he and
the Chief have been discussing having an exit interview with the Commissioners. Captain Sullivan said he would look into setting up the interview. Commissioner Wright asked if the Chief has procedures to go over strengths and weaknesses with his staff. Captain Sullivan said that each officer gets an annual review to include a semi-annual performance review. Captain
Sullivan said the department uses another very helpful program called “Guardian Tracking” where complaints and compliments go into a data base for each officer. The Captain said the Chief meets weekly with his staff members.
Other Police Commission Business –
The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file
The Commissioners reviewed the 2019 budget print out. – Commissioner Wright asked if the loss of Officer Sobel would impact the overtime line item. Captain Sullivan said that the Chief has assigned Detective Costin as the second cruiser to fill the day shift which will minimize the impact on overtime. Chairman Blonigen said that part-timers can fill the shifts at a lower rate of $23/hour. Captain Sullivan asked Adm. St. Laurent what happens to grant money the police department receives. St. Laurent told Captain Sullivan that the grant money comes into the police department and gets posted to a line item titled “revenue-grants.” When the books are audited the money from the grant gets posted back to expenditure line item of the police department budget.
Chairman Blonigen went over the request by the selectmen to have police personnel procedures of hiring and firing to be handled through the selectmen and town policy and their request to have all meetings at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Blonigen said she would like to have a work session with the Chief and come up with some type of written procedures for the commissioners.
Commissioner Wright asked where is the department in regards to the 2020 budget process. Adm. St. Laurent said that the Chief is working on his figures for 2020 and it is expected he will have a “draft” copy for the Commissioners to review at the September meeting. Commissioner Wright asked if the selectmen have input in the police budget. Commissioner Hoyt said that the Chief, as a courtesy, presents his proposed budget to the selectmen before it goes to the budget committee.
Commissioner Wright asked what type of life insurance coverage is available to the employees of the police department. Adm. St. Laurent said it is a percentage of the officer’s annual income. Commissioner Wright asked if the officer can purchase more insurance on his own if desired and the answer was yes; more coverage can be purchased through Davis and Towle.
None at this time.
The next meeting of the Commissioners is scheduled for September 3, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Wright, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:45 p.m.
For William Wright, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Steven Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan, Sergeant Brandon Smart, and Admin Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the May 7, 2019 meeting as written.
There were no other minutes.
Staff Update – The Chief said that the department is running smoothly. He said that Officer Meyers is doing a good job and will be completing FTO in a few weeks.
Other Police Commission Business –
A. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
B. The Commissioners reviewed the 2019 budget print out. There was discussion about the FT
salary line item and the Chief said that the figures are correct and there may be a balance left over.
Presentation to Commissioner Prefontaine. The Chief thanked Commissioner Prefontaine for his service to the police department. Commissioner Prefontaine was presented with a plaque and a personalized street sign.
Letters of interest for open Commissioner’s position –
The Chief told the Commissioners that three residents have expressed interest in being appointed to the police commission. Letters of interest have been received from Jennifer Weiner, Bill Wright, and David Obertanec. The Board of Selectmen will appoint the new commissioner.
Meeting with Board of Selectmen –
Commissioner Blonigen requested that the Commissioners meet with the Board of Selectmen
prior to the appointment of the new commissioner. The Chief said he will contact the Board of Selectmen through Martha Roy and request a meeting.
Staff Updates –
There was a discussion about having staff updates in non-public session. There was discussion that any negative personnel matters be in non-public session. It was agreed by the Chief and the Commissioners that any negative issues dealing with personnel have been and will continue to be in non-public session according to the statute.
New Chairman –
On a Motion Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Prefontaine, the Commissioners voted to appoint Brenda Blonigen as the new Chairperson.
Flags –
Commissioner Hoyt said that Margaret Lamson and members of the Cemetery Committee want to thank Chief Bilodeau, Captain Sullivan and Commissioner Blonigen for the flag raising ceremony held at the town cemetery this past Memorial Day.
Not needed.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:30 p.m.
For Brenda Blonigen, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Adm. Assistant Diana St.Laurent.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the April 2, 2019 meeting as written.
There were no other minutes.
- Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that Officer Meyers has been riding with Officer Gregor and she said he is doing a good job. The Chief said the staff is doing fine.
- Other Police Commission Business –
- The Commissioners read and signed the purchase order file.
- The Commissioners reviewed the 2019 budget print out. Chairman Prefontaine requested that we check on the FT Salaries line item.
None at this time.
- Firearms Upgrade – Captain Sullivan told the Commissioners that Sig has made an offer to the department to trade the department’s Sig 226s for brand new Sig 320s, one for one. The holsters will be included in the trade and our ammunition distributor will trade our ammo one for one also. Captain Sullivan said there will be about 4 hours of transitional training to go with the new handguns. On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Prefontaine, the Commissioners voted unanimously to make the change over in weapons with Sig Sauer.
- Commissioner Prefontaine – Commissioner Prefontaine said that the June commission meeting will be his last meeting.
- The Commissioners were told that there will be a retirement recognition get together for Tony Harland on Friday, May 17, at 5:00 p.m. at the police department.
- Meeting with Selectmen – The Chief told the Commissioners that the BOS is looking for a town policy for hiring procedures and promotions for all town departments to follow. After some discussion of the matter, Chairman Prefontaine said he would write a letter for all to review and upon approval, the letter will be signed by all three Commissioners and delivered to the Board of Selectmen.
Not needed.
The next meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:55 p.m
For Brenda Blonigen, Secretary – by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Commissioners on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Admin Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
Chairman – On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, Steve Prefontaine was appointed Chairman.
Vice Chairman – On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Prefontaine, Commissioner Hoyt was appointed Vice Chairman.
Secretary – On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, Commissioner Blonigen was appointed Secretary.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners
voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the March 12, 2019 meeting as written.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the March 12, 2019 minutes as written. On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to seal the March 12, 2019 Non-Public Minutes indefinitely.
A. Staff Update – The two new officers, Jared Arsenault and Ethan Allen, will be sworn in at a ceremony upstairs after the meeting adjourns.
B. Other Police Commissioner Business –
1. The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
2. The Commissioners reviewed the 2019 budget printout.
Incentive Policy – The Commissioners read the new Incentive Policy SOP. There was discussion about the exit physical requirements. Commissioner Blonigen suggested that the SOP be amended to change the percentage on the exit requirements to 40%. On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to amend the Incentive Policy to read 40% exit physical requirements.
There was discussion about the deadly 10-25 accident on McIntyre Road and concern for the well-being of the officer who covered the report. The Chief and the Captain both said they have spoken with the officer and he appears to be doing fine.
Not needed.
The next meeting of the Newington Police Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 4:17 p.m. to go upstairs for the swearing in ceremony for the two new officers.
For Brenda Blonigen, Secretary – by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Cpt. Michael Sullivan and Adm. Assistant Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the February 5, 2019 meeting as written.
There were no other minutes.
Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that the oral boards for the police candidates went well and there are four candidates for the Commissioners to interview.
Other Business –
The Commissioners reviewed and signed the February purchase order file.
There is no budget print-out review until after town meeting on March 16, 2019.
Salary pay while at NHPS&TC – The Chief told the Commissioners that he spoke with Attorney Mansfield in reference to putting police candidates attending the academy on “salary” so there are no issues about over time. The Chief said the attorney told him that the officer positions do not qualify as “Salaried.” The Chief said he does not expect any issues at this time.
Incentive Policy – tabled for next meeting.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners went into non-public session at 4:08 p.m.to discuss personnel matters according to RSA 91-A:3 II(c) and (b).
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners came out of non-public session at 5:20 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to extend “Conditional Offers of Employment” to candidates Jared Arsenault and Ethan Jones.
The next Commission meeting is scheduled for April 2, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Prefontaine, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:20 p.m.
For Brenda Blonigen, Secretary
by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Chairman Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
- On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the January 3, 2019 meeting as written.
- On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners voted to seal the January 8, 2019 Non-Public Minutes indefinitely.
Staff Update – The Chief told the Commissioners that Detective Sergeant Tony Harland will be submitting his letter of retirement from police work this week. The Chief said that Det. Harland has been hired by the Portsmouth Ship Yard and is waiting for the official letter from Washington, DC before he submits his letter. There was a discussion about filling the detective slot and the Chief said that he is contemplating filling it with the current officers on a rotating basis. Each officer would remain in the position for about 2 or 3 years to gain the experience. The Chief said the system worked well while he was at Durham PD. There was discussion about detective’s pay versus a patrol officer’s pay working in the detective’s slot. No final decision on that issue at this time. The Chief told the Commissioners that the hiring process is continuing for the patrol officer vacancy. He said there are 2 certified candidates interested and the final date for submitting applications is February 10, 2019.
Other Police Commission Business –
- The Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
- Budget Review – The Chief reminded the Commissioners that the budget review by the public is scheduled for Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the town hall.
There was no old business to discuss.
The Chief said that Commissioner Hoyt brought up the issue of candidates at the NHPS&TC requesting to be paid overtime while at the academy. The Chief said that some departments in the western part of the state have been sued by officer candidates for overtime because of the academy schedule and some judgments were found in favor of the officers. The Chief said that he will look into having officers attending the academy to be considered “salaried.”
On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners voted to go into Non-Public Session at 3:15 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners voted to come out of non-public session at 3:54 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Prefontaine, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners voted to seal the February 5, 2019 non-public minutes indefinitely.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, on a roll-call vote of 3-0, the Commissioners voted to terminate part-time officer Timothy Gordon, effective immediately.
The next meeting of the Newington Commissioners is scheduled for March 12, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the Newington Police Department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 3:58 p.m.
For Brenda Blonigen, Secretary, by Diana St. Laurent
There was a meeting of the Newington Police Commissioners on Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Brenda Blonigen, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Captain Michael Sullivan and Diana St. Laurent.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the minutes from the December 4, 2018 meeting as written.
There were no other minutes.
Staff Update – The Chief said everything is going along fine. He told the Commissioners that Officers Szopa and Meyers will be attending the NHPS&TC beginning the week of January 7, 2019 and will be gone for 16 weeks. The Chief said they have been receiving a lot of good FTO training and should be ready to go on their own about a month or so after they graduate.
- Other Police Commission Business –
- The Commissioners signed the Permanent Patrol Officer’s appointment form for Officer Patrick Costin.
- The Police Commissioners reviewed and signed the purchase order file.
- There was no discussion about the 2018 budget.
The Commissioners and the Chief reviewed the 2019 Draft Budget proposal. The Chief told the Commissioners that, per request of the Budget Committee, he was able to reduce the 2019 budget by 2.41%. The Chief said that after the Selectmen reviewed his budget with the 2.41% reduction, they requested that he reduce some line items by another $8,000. The Chief said he told the Selectmen that he is going to present his budget as is with the 2.41% reduction in the bottom line.
The Chief said that department activity has increased. The officers made 2,908 motor vehicle stops; 521 summonses; 2,377 warnings and 189 arrests which resulted in 189 cases going to the Portsmouth District Court. Summonses in 2018 increased by 278; motor vehicles stops increased by 986 and physical arrests increased by 63. The Chief said that having one cruiser covering the industrial area and one cruiser in the residential area has helped with an increase in activity. The Chief also told the Commissioners that he received zero citizen complaints in 2018.
RSA 91-A:3 II(c) Personnel Matter
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to go into non-public session at 4:25 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Blonigen and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, on a roll-call vote, the Commissioners voted to come out of non-public session at 4:37 p.m. and to seal the non-public minutes indefinitely. There were no motions made during the non-public session.
The next meeting of the Commissioners is scheduled for February 5, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. at the police Department.
On a MOTION by Commissioner Hoyt and seconded by Commissioner Blonigen, the Commissioners voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:38 p.m.
For Brenda Blonigen, Secretary, by Diana St. Laurent