Annual Report
January 26, 2021
The Town of Newington’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has worked diligently with State Officials, all Town Representative, the Business District, and the Residents to stay proactive in the common goal of prevention of community transmission of COVID-19. According to, as January 25th, 2021, The Town of Newington has had a total of 18 confirmed COVID-19 cases, for a total of 2.23% of its residents. In comparing this to neighboring communities, we are the lowest after New Castle at 1.83%. Other surrounding communities are between 3.15% and 5.22%.
Town Services Updates
- The Town has been fortunate to not experience disruptions to basic Town services provided by Newington Police, Fire & Rescue, Town Hall and Highway Department.
- The Town Library is open by appointment and the Town Hall is open with limits to the amount of people allowed in the building at once. Please remember to follow all precautions when entering these buildings; wear a mask, maintain proper distancing, and stay home if you are not feeling well.
Actions for All Newington Residents to Take
- Continue to practice safe, social distancing when not in your “pod.”
- Remain diligent about you and your family members wearing masks and hand sanitizing.
- If you are not feeling well, stay home. Reach out to your PCP if your condition warrants it. If your status worsens, call for an ambulance.
- Be smart if traveling. Follow the recommended State and Federal guidelines.
- When available and able to, get your COVID-19 vaccine.
Newington Office of Emergency Management
The Town applied for various grants that helped with the cost of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other safety orientated equipment that may not have been budgeted for or were beyond “normal” supplies.
OEM staff have been working on needed future upgrades to existing systems. These systems play a vital role in how the Town will react and handle all types of emergencies, should the need arise, to keep the Town functioning properly.

The goal of the Newington Office of Emergency Management is to prepare for, respond to, and aid in the recovery of both natural and man-made disasters.
In 2019 Newington Fire Chief, Edward J. Hoyt, was appointed as Co-Director of Emergency Management by the Board of Selectmen. Chief Bilodeau and Chief Hoyt attended several informational meetings with Unitil and Eversource throughout 2019. Chief Hoyt attended community risk reduction and state level intelligence interoperability classes. Chief Bilodeau has attended Emergency Management round table discussions with area Seacoast towns and the Pease Development Authority (PDA).
There were several meetings held with the Newington Emergency Management Committee and the Rockingham Planning Commission, represented by Theresa Walker. The OEM Committee was represented by Town Planner Gerald Coogan, Building Officer Kevin Kelley, Road Agent Leonard Thomas, Co-Directors Chief Bilodeau and Chief Hoyt, along with Administrative Assistant Diana St. Laurent. The purpose of these meetings was to update the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Plan was originally adopted by the Town back in 2012. As mandated by Homeland Security, all hazard mitigation plans are required to be updated every five years. The 2012 Plan was reviewed and several updates recommended.
The final draft of the Plan was presented to the Selectmen and a public meeting was held on September 30, 2019 to formally approve and adopt the 2019 Town of Newington Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.
Be sure to visit the OEM website at and select the page for "Emergency Management" to get helpful hints on preparations for winter weather, lightning storms, flooding, hurricanes, and much more.
Respectfully submitted for Co-Directors
Police Chief Michael Bilodeau
Fire Chief E.J. Hoyt
by Diana St. Laurent
Administrative Assistant
Office of Emergency Management
The goal of the Newington Office of Emergency Management is to prepare for, respond to, and aid n the recovery of both natural and man-made disasters.
During 2018 several meetings were held with Jane Hubbard of Hubbard Consulting to finalize the Town of Newington's Waterfront Emergency Response Plan. On November 21, 2018 the Co-Directors of the Emergency Management received a letter from the NH Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. This letter approved the final narrative and financial reports on the completion of the waterfront response project and reimbursement for the project was processed and deposited.
A grant request was sent to the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to update the Town of Newington's Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan was initially completed and approved in 2012 and is required to be updated every 5 years. The grant was initially approved and contact was made with the Rockingham Planning Commission to request an RCP representative be assigned to assist with OEM co-directors with the project. Theresa Walker was assigned to assist and meetings were held in September, October, and December 2018. The updated plan should be completed and ready for submission to the Selectmen sometime in the Spring of 2019.
Andy Head, co-director of OEM, retired from his position with the Newington Fire Department. The new co-director will be sworn in by the Selectmen in 2019.
Be sure to visit the OEM website at and select the page for "Emergency Management" to get helpful hints on preparations for winter weather, lightning storms, flooding, hurricanes, and much more.
Respectfully submitted for Co-Directors
Michael D. Bilodeau, Police Chief
Andy Head, Retired, Fire Chief
by Diana St. Laurent, Administrative Assistant
Office of Emergency Management
The goal of the Newington Office of Emergency Management is to prepare for, respond to, and aid in the recovery of both natural and man-made disasters.
In 2017 newly-hired Police Chief Michael Bilodeau was sworn in as Co-Director of Emergency Management, along with Co-Director Fire Chief Andy Head.
The NH Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management approved the 50/50 Emergency Management Performance Grant for work on the waterfront emergency evacuation plan for the town and surrounding communities.
In March 2017 a meeting was held, with Jane Hubbard of Hubbard Consulting LLC, to begin work on the emergency evacuation plan. It was determined that a "kick-off" meeting with the stake holders would be held later in the year. In August 2017 the stake holders meeting was held, with Jane Hubbard of Hubbard Consulting LLC, and several representatives from the surrounding communities, which could possibly be affected should an emergency occur on the waterfront. Another meeting was held in December 2017 with representatives from E911 to discuss how notification would be handled in the event of an emergency. The Waterfront Emergency Evacuation Plan is slated to be completed no later than September 2018.
Looking forward to 2018, work will begin, with a representative from the Rockingham Planning Commission, on updating the Town's Hazard Mitigation Plan. The NH Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management requires the plan be updated every 5 years. The grant paperwork has been submitted to the State for approval.
Be sure to visit the website and select the page for "Emergency Management" to get helpful hints on preparations for winter weather, lightning storms, flooding, hurricanes, and much more.
Respectfully submitted for the Co-Directors:
Michael D. Bilodeau, Police Chief
Andy Head, Fire Chief
by Diana St. Laurent, Administrative Assistant