June 20, 2017
There was a meeting of the Newington Commissioners on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the police department.
PRESENT: Commissioner Steven Prefontaine, Commissioner F. Jackson Hoyt, Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw, Chief Michael Bilodeau, Diana St. Laurent and resident Meredith Hoyt.
Chairman Prefontaine called the meeting to order at 4:05.
Commission Business
The purpose of this meeting was to appoint the best applicant to the Captain’s position here in the department. The Commissioners, along with Chief Bilodeau, had previously reviewed the results of the oral board and chose 3 candidates to be interviewed by the Commissioners. The interviews were conducted on June 15 and, after a discussion, the Commissioners agreed that Patrol Sergeant Michael Sullivan was the best candidate for the position.
On a MOTION by Chairman Steve Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw, the Commissioners voted unanimously to appoint Michael P. Sullivan Captain, effective immediately.
On a MOTION by Chairman Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted unanimously to start Sullivan at Step 5 of the Captain’s pay scale.
The appointment to Captain was signed by the Commissioners and the Oath of Office was ministered to Sgt. Sullivan by Chief Bilodeau.
Other Business
The Chief told the Commissioners that he will prepare a formal appointment ceremony for Captain Sullivan in August where his family and other members can be present and a photo session done.
The Chief told the Commissioners that he will be advertising to fill the two vacant patrol officer positions created by the retirement of Officer John Garvin in August 2017 and the change from full-time Captain to part-time Prosecutor of Brian Newcomer. The Chief said that the qualifying candidates will go through the oral board consisting of personnel from the department, perhaps a Newington citizen and perhaps an officer(s) from another local police department. The Chief said the final candidates will be subject to all the necessary hiring procedures such as physical agility testing, polygraph, psychological, background, etc.
The Chief also told the Commissioners that he is working within the department to fill the position of Patrol Sergeant now open with the promotion of Sgt. Sullivan to Captain.
On a MOTION by Chairman Prefontaine and seconded by Commissioner Hoyt, the Commissioners voted to adjourn at 4:27 p.m.
For Kenneth Latchaw, Secretary by Diana St. Laurent