Chief Bilodeau’s swearing in – February 2017


Officer Jared Arsenault sworn in as a Full-Time Officer 


 Officer Jones sworn in as a Full-Time Officer


Officer Arsenault’s pinning   


   Officer Jones’ pinning


Officer Auger sworn in as a Full-Time Officer   


   Officer Meyers sworn in as a Full-Time Officer


Officer Whyte sworn in as a Full- Time Officer


   Police Commissioner Kenneth Latchaw and Chief Bilodeau

At the December 5th, 2017, Commission Meeting, Commissioner Latchaw donated to the police department a beautiful clock that he made in his home workshop.  Thank you, Commissioner. Mr. Latchaw resigned his position of Commissioner and was subsequently elected as Selectman for the Town of Newington.

Saying good-bye to Police Commissioner Steve Prefontaine. Thank you Steve for your dedication to the Newington Police Department